Friday, October 19, 2012

WPS : For generating failed events for Mediations

Issue : When we try to generate failed events for mediations failed events are now generating in following situation.
$ : I am having one interface having one operation in that flow i am calling another module witch is having request response operation by using callout by asyn invocation style. In these request responce flow all the fail terminal i am leaving empty. in the ERROR flow i am adding the "FAIL Primitive". But still i am not able to generate failed events.

Solution : If mediation is the initiation flow in that case if we need failed events then we need to use "Service Invoke Primitive" instead of "Callout Primitive"  by async invocation style, then failed events generates for mediation if any fail occurs at target process/ mediation.
ex : MED1 --> MED2 (exception occurred : like not available) then failed events generates for MED2

** If in-case of flow initiation is by any Long running process( LRP BPEL) then failed events generates for that LRP if any fail occurs at mediation.
ex : LRP --> MED1 --> MED2((exception occurred : like not available) then failed events generates for LRP.

NOTE: Failed events will generate in case of async invocation pattern only.